Orange Flowers (2023, rev. 2024) for Solo Cello
"Orange Flowers" for solo cello embodies the image of a vibrant bouquet encased in glass—rich and lush, yet inherently delicate. The piece references the resonant solo cello traditions of Kodaly and Cassadò to paint the floral essence, while the interplay of natural harmonics suggests the subtle distortions of light through glass, creating an aural illusion of the flower’s fragile beauty within a faux environment.
“Sì: ho colto garofani alteri delle tue guance, e avean corolle sì rance con sì bizzarri screzi neri… Ma sotto i tuoi occhi sono cresciute le viole, come di marzo, al primo sole, sulle rive dei fossi.” -Attilio Bertolucci, Madrigale