Dianthus (2023) for Solo Cello

Dianthus (2023) for Solo Cello

Dianthus, from the Latin name for the carnation flower. This piece for solo cello intends to convey in the music an image of a flower under glass, orangey-lush but at the same time pale and fragile. Therefore, by analogy, I wanted to present sonorities typical of the solo cello repertoire (Kodaly, Cassadò) that represent the flower, but with the intrusion in the form of reflections from a faux environment (the glass) that I want to explore in the form of harmonics.

Sì: ho colto garofani alteri delle tue guance, e avean corolle sì rance con sì bizzarri screzi neri… Ma sotto i tuoi occhi sono cresciute le viole, come di marzo, al primo sole, sulle rive dei fossi.” -Attilio Bertolucci, Madrigale